Ognjen Bakmaz
Doc. dr

Profesor visoke škole

Nastavničko zvanje



Menadžment, Odnosi sa javnošću

Naučna oblast


  • Osnovne studije:
2002 – 2006. Univerzitet Educons, Fakultet za uslužni biznis u Novom Sadu, Zvanje: Diplomirani ekonomista, Republika Srbija.
  • Specijalističke studije:
2010 – 2012. Kriminalističko policijska akademija, Zemun, Kriminalističko policijski univerzitet, Republika Srbija. Smјer: Izvšno upravljanje u sistemu državne uprave; Zvanje: Specijalista kriminalista.
  • Master studije:
2015 – 2016. Univerzitet za poslovni inženjering i manadžment Banja Luka, Ekonomski fakultet. Smjer: Ekonomska diplomatija; Zvanje: Master ekonomije.
  • Doktorske studije:
2016 – 2020. Univerzitet za pravne i poslovne studije Banja Luka, Ekonomski fakultet. Zvanje: Doktor ekonomskih nauka.


  1. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Brakus, A., Radaković, M., Arnautović, I., Samardžić, V., Krstajić, G. & Popović, S. (2024). Financial security and invoicing in management of public enterprises whose founders are local self-government units, example Republic of Serbia, Lex localis-Journal of Local Self-Government, 22:2, 198-218 DOI: https://lex-localis.org/index.php/LexLocalis/issue/view/112, ISSN 1581-5374 (M23-SSCI).
  2. Dragosavac, M., Anđelić, S., Bakmaz, O., Radaković, M., Arnautović, I., Davidov, T., Nastić, S. & Popović, S. (2023). Introducing Software Solutions into the Management of Public Enterprises Whose Founders are Local Self-Government Units in the Example of the Republic of Serbia, Lex localis-Journal of Local Self-Government, 21:4, 1021-1042, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4335/10.4335/21.4.1021-1042(2023)2., ISSN 1581-5374  (M23-SSCI).
  1. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Jestrović, V., Radaković, M., Davidov, T., Bjelica, B., Brakus, A. & Popović, D. (2023).  Management of plant production (narcissus l.) through the application of non-standard growing methods in order to increase the financial value of production, Economics of Agriculture, 70:2, 567–581. https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2036, ISSN 0352-3462, (M23).
  2. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Popović, D., Brakus, A., Pajović, I., Turčinović, Ž., Radaković, M. & Popović, S. (2024). The significance of real financial reporting of agricultural mechanism in relation to the making of management decisions of individual farms and medium-sized agricultural enterprises,  The Journal „Agriculture and Forestry“, 71:1, 171-184, https://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper.php?id=3262, ISSN 0554-5579, (M24).
  3. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Popović, D. (2023). Implementation of internal control mechanisms and the possibility of improving financial management in large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Agriculture and Forestry, 69:2, 35-44, https://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper.php?id=3188, ISSN 0554-5579, (M24).
  4. Bakmaz, O., Anđelić, S., Dragosavac, M., Grublješić, Ž., Nastić S., Popović, D., Tubić M. & Popović S. (2024). The importance of determining the efficiency of business of agricultural farms in relation to the use of credits in agriculture, the example of the Republic of Serbia, Agricultural Engineering, 1, 10-16, DOI: http://jageng.agrif.bg.ac.rs/index.php?strana=naslovna&jezik=en (M51).
  5. Bakmaz, O. & Bjelica, B. (2023). Establishment of controlling mechanisms in organization and management processes by top management in agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, Agricultural Engineering, 3, 65 – 72, http://jageng.agrif.bg.ac.rs/files/casopis/PT_03-2023.pdf, (M51).
  6. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vukasović, D. (2023). The importance of monitoring the realization of income and costs in the management and business of agricultural enterprises in relation to the introduced forms of internal-control mechanisms, Agricultural Engineering, 2, 45 – 51, https://scindeks.ceon.rs/article.aspx?artid=0554-55872302045B, (M51).
  7. Vitоmir, J., Lаbаn, B., Bаkmаz, O., Nikоlić, N., Čоlоvić, M. (2019). Audit as a possible way to improve corporate governance with an overview of possible models of determining the risk interval and some of the basic impact factors identified by top management, Annals – Economy Series, 2, 23-29, https://ideas.repec.org/a/cbu/jrnlec/y2019v2p23-29.html, ISSN 2344-3685/ISSN-L 1844 – 7007, (M51).
  8. Bakmaz, O. & Džeko, S. (2011). Motivacija, Sport Mont, 28-30, 305-309, file:///C:/Users/lenovo%20pc/Downloads/motivacija.pdf, ISSN 1451 – 7485, (M51).
  9. Vunjak, N., Radaković, M. & Bakmaz, O. (2019). Determinante korporativnog upravljanja u odabranim zemljama u tranziciji, Zbornik radova EkonBiz, 77-90, ISBN: 978-99955-45-29-1, http://www.ekonbiz.ues.rs.ba/ojs/article/view/131/136.html, (M51).
  10. Milosavljević, J. & Bakmaz, O. (2019). Sportsko privredno društvo u pravu Republike Srbije, Pravo i privreda, 4-6, 395-410, file:///C:/Users/spopovic/Downloads/PiP_2019-4-6-23%20(1).pdf, (M51).
  11. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B., Ivić, Lj., Volf, D. & Majstorović, A. (2017). The significance of the audit profession in the financial analysis of agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Serbia, Annals, 5:1, 117.123, https://www.utgjiu.ro/revista/ec/pdf/2017-03/15_OGNJEN%20BAKMAZ,%20BILJANA%20BJELICA,%20LJUBICA%20IVIC,%20DEJAN%20VOLF,%20ALEKSANDAR%20MAJSTOROVIC.pdf, (M51).
  12. Bjelica, B., Bakmaz, O., Mijić, R., Popović, S. & Popović, V. (2017). The implementation of heterogeneous risk to the company’s operations and transition countries respecting the behavior of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, Annals, 3, 207-213, https://ideas.repec.org/a/cbu/jrnlec/y2017v3p207-213.html, ISSN 2344–3685/ISSN-L 1844 –7007, (M51).
  13. Bakmaz, O. & Džeko, S. (2011). Neke od postvavki motivacije samoostvarivanja, Sport Mont, 31-33, 405-409, ISSN 1451 – 7485, https://www.sportmont.ucg.ac.me/clanci/SportMont_Septembar_2011_Bakmaz_405-408.pdf, (M51).
  14. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). Application of internal audit in processes of reducing corruption in a transitional economy like the Republic of Serbia,          TEMEL –ij, 7:1, 36 – 42, https://www.temel-ij.org/volumes, (M53).
  15. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). Application of software solutions in companies that strive to achieve increased financial stability in their regular business, TEMEL – ij, 7:1, 13–20, https://www.temel-ij.org/volumes, (M53).
  16. Bjelica, B., Bakmaz, O. & Vitomir, J. (2023). The importance of accounting policy in the context of strengthening financial stability in a companny that previously implemented internal audit as a mechanism of regular business decision-making, TEMEL –ij, 7:1, 57–63, https://www.temel-ij.org/volumes, (M53).
  1. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). The significance of implementation of internal audit in agricultural companies of the Republic of Serbia considered as a process of improving management decisions in the mentioned companies, 4th INTERNATIONAL CUKUROVA AGRICULTURE and VETERINAR CONGRESS, Adana/ TÜRKİYE, ISSUED: 20/03/2023, ISBN: 978-625-6404-91-5, (M34).
  2. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). Realistic top management reporting through the display of financial reporting, 5th International Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Congressheld online on March 17-19, 2023/Kars, Türkiye organised by Kafkas University and IKSAD, (M34).
  3. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). The significance of introducing tasks from the field of internal audit in the context of improving the analysis of the functioning of agricultural enterprises on the example of the republic of Serbia, 5th International Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Congressheld online on March 17-19, 2023/Kars, Türkiye organised by Kafkas University and IKSAD, (M34).
  4. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vitomir, J. (2023). Overview of general risk factors for establishing the making of valid business decisions in heterogeneous and agricultural enterprises, CUKUROVA 10th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONFERENCE April 2-4, 2023 ADANA, TURKEY, https://www.iksadkongre.net/_files/ugd/262ebf_5ae507974e084c4396d64ce475601794.pdf, (M34).
  5. Bjelica, B., Bakmaz, O. & Vitomir, J. (2023). Fundamentals of regulating financial reporting in agricultural and other enterprises which are of great importance for the overall economy in transition economies, CUKUROVA 10th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONFERENCE April 2-4, 2023 ADANA, TURKEY, https://www.iksadkongre.net/_files/ugd/262ebf_5ae507974e084c4396d64ce475601794.pdf, (M34).
  6. Bjelica, B., Bakmaz, O. & Popović, S. (2023). Monitoring of management results after introducing a really applicable form of internal control mechanisms in the operations of companies in transition economies, 7th International Izmir Economics & Business Administration Congress held on May 17-18, 2023/Izmir, Türkiye organised by Yaşar University and IKSAD, (M34).
  7. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Popović, S. (2023). Internal audit as a framework for making important business decisions in accordance with top management forecast, 7th International Izmir Economics & Business Administration Congress held on May 17-18, 2023/Izmir, Türkiye organised by Yaşar University and IKSAD, (M34).
  8. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Anđelić, S., Tubić, M., Grublješić, Ž., Popović, D., Bjelica, B., & Popović, S. (2023). Forms of introducing internal controls in the business of heterogeneous companies in small transition countries, INTERNATIONAL DİCLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS, 09-10 SEPTEMBER 2023 DİYARBAKIR/TURKEY, (M34).
  9. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Anđelić, S., Tubić, M., Grublješić, Ž., Popović, D., Biljana Bjelica, B., & Popović, S. (2023). The significance of the introduction of internal audit in the management of heterogeneous companies in small transition countries, INTERNATIONAL DİCLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS 09-10 SEPTEMBER 2023 DİYARBAKIR/TURKEY, (M34).
  10. Bakmaz, O., Dragosavac, M., Anđelić, S., Tubić, M., Grublješić, Ž., Popović, D., Bjelica, B., & Popović, S. (2023). Financial reporting and connection with work establishing introducing internal controls in the business of heterogeneous companies in small transition countries, 5 INTERNATIONAL DİCLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS 09-10 SEPTEMBER 2023 DİYARBAKIR/TURKEY, (M34).
  11. Vukasović, D., Bakmaz, O. & Martinov, D. (2023). Razvoj finansijskog izveštavanja u funkciji menadzmenta javnog sektora ektora, II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Fakultet za Menadžment–Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-9940-611-05-7, (M34).
  12. Milošević, M. & Bakmaz, O. (2023). Impact of gold price movement on therate of the returns from investment activity on financial markets, XII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT–STED, 2023, ISSN 2637-3298, (M34).
  13. Vukasović, D., Bakmaz, O. & Bjelica, B. (2023). Ciljevi reforme finansijskog izveštavanja u javnom sektoru, XII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT– STED 2023, ISSN 2637-3298, (M34).
  14. Milošević, M. & Bakmaz, O. (2022). Uticaj stope inflacije na prinose od aktivnosti investiranja: studija slučaja Republika Srpska, BiH i Crna Gora, 1 International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology COAST 2022, Fakultet za Menadžment – Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-9940-611-04-0, (M34).
  15. Srebro, B., Marković, N., Mirčetić, V. & Bakmaz, O. (2022). Intelektualni kapital kao strateški resurs porodičnih preduzeća, X International conference of social and technological development, (M34).
  16. Bakmaz, O., Kovljenić, M., Marković, N., (2021). Comparative analysis of economic growth of the former Yugoslav countries, 10-ta Međunarodna konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju, Тrеbinjе, (M34).
  17. Bjelica, B., Bakmaz, O. & Vukasović, D. (2021). Upravljanje promenama kao sastavni deo upravljanja kompanijom, X INTERNATIONACONFERENCE OF SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, STED, (M34).
  18. Bakmaz, & Tešić, R. (2020). Imovinska prava akcionara, STED, IX Međunaarodna konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju, Тrеbinjе, ISSN 2303-498X, (M34).
  19. Bobić, A. & Bakmaz, (2020). Aktuelni oblici porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji “ STED, IX Međunaarodna konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju, Тrеbinjе, ISSN 2303-498X, , (M34).
  20. Bakmaz, O., Marković, N. & Milošević, M. (2020). Regionalno Planiranje – Pojam, Teorije i Modeli u Uslovima Ekonomske Krize Prouzrokovane Virusom COVID-19-koautor, The International Conference „Economic aspects of the pandemic COVID-19: How to survive today and manage for tomorrow“ Univerziteta EDUKONS (M34).
  21. Мilоsаvlјеvić, J. & Bаkmаz О. (2019). Меđunаrоdni prеvоz rоbе u drumskоm sаоbrаćајu prеmа kоnvеnciјi cmr, STED 2019, 8 Međunaarodna konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju, Тrеbinjе , ISSN 2303-498X, (M34).
  22. Bakmaz, & Milosavljević, J. (2019). Zaštita životne sredine u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj, STED 2019, VIII Međunaarodna konferencijao društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju, Trebinje , ISSN 2303-498X, (M34).
  23. Bakmaz, O. & Bakmaz, M. (2016). Trendovi u marketing menadžmentu pod uticajem digitalnih tehnologija, Zbornik radova, Nauka i društvo, Banja Luka, str. 187-197, ISBN 978-99976-29-01-2, (M34).
  24. Bakmaz, O., Marković, N. & Pušara, A. (2023). Uticaj kreativnosti na fleksibilnost preduzeća, Razvojne perspektive Zapadnog Balkana u XXI veku, Visoka škola za uslužni biznis u Istočnom Sarajevu, ISBN 978 – 99976-971-7-2, (M33).
  25. Bakmaz, O. & Marković, N. (2022). Nove digitalne tehnologije i savremeno poslovanje, i naučni skup, Stanje i perspektive održivog života i rada ljudi na Zapadnom Balkanu, Visoka škola za uslužni biznis Istočno Sarajevo-Sokolac, ISSN 2381-0667, (M33).
  26. Milošević, M., Bakmaz, O. & Adamović, S. (2022). Faktori od uticaja na kretanje berzanskih indeksa na finansijskim tržištima zemalja u razvoju, I naučni skup, Stanje i perspektive održivog života i rada ljudi na Zapadnom Balkanu, Visoka škola za uslužni biznis Istočno Sarajevo-Sokolac, ISSN 2381-0667, (M33).
  27. Laković,, Bakmaz, O. & Bjelica, B. (2021). Uloga upravljanja ljudskim resursima u procesu implementacije obuke i obrazovanja zaposlenih“, молода наука-роботизація і нано-технології сучасного машинобудування збірник наукових праць міжнародної молодіжної науково-технічної конференції 14-15 квітня 54-60, за загальною редакцією д-ра техн. наук, проф. с. в. ковалевського, UDK 658.3.005:331.1, (M33).
  28. Bakmaz, O., Bjelica, B. & Vukasović, D. (2021). Spektar mernih atributa finansijskog izveštavanja u funkciji menadžmenta, 2. Naučno-stručni skup кreativno poslovanje u održivom razvoju „inovacije u poslovanju kao faktor konkurentnosti u ambijentu virusa COVID-19, Novi Sad, Visoka škola strukovnih studija za menadžment i poslovne komunikacije-MPК, ISBN: 978-86-900221-7-5, (M33).
  29. Milošević, M., Bakmaz, O. & Balaban S. (2020). Ekonomski aspekt pandemije kovid-19 sa posebnim osvrtom na „pobednike“ i „gubitnike“, I naučno-stručni skup Kreativno poslovanje u održivom razvoju, Novi Sad, (M33).
  30. Мilоsаvlјеvić, M., Мilоsаvlјеvić, J. & Bаkmаz, O. (2019). Ugоvоri о turističkim uslugаmа sа pоsеbnim pоglеdоm nа ugоvоr о аngаžоvаnju turističkih kаpаcitеtа, XV mајskо sаvеtоvаnjе, Zbоrnik rаdоvа „Slоbоdа pružаnjа uslugа i prаvnа sigurnоst“, Krаguјеvаc, UDK: 338.48:347.47, ISBN 978-86-7623-088-4, (M33).

